Monday, January 12, 2015


My name is William Puvalowski. I am a teacher at Lake Shore High School. I teach Physical Education as well as Health. I am in my 5th year teaching. I graduated from Wayne State University. I am in my second to last semester in the IT program at Wayne State. I will finish my capstone this spring summer.

Sports and coaching are my two major hobbies. I currently coach three sports at Lake Shore. I coach football. I am the varsity Offensive Coordinator at Lake Shore. I coach freshman Basketball and I am the Varsity head softball coach. Outside of sports I enjoy playing cards with friends and also playing trivia.

I am in this class and the IT program because I have always liked using technology and I feel it is a great thing to use in our classes. Students are more engage in the material when a teacher uses technology. Using things technology helps students relate to the material being taught.  I know that education is moving to a more internet and online type of format and I would like to stay ahead of the curve, so I chose this program. 


  1. Hello William,

    Nice to meet you, I am looking forward to working with you in this class

  2. Hey William,
    Nice to meet you. Congrats to almost being done with this program.

  3. Hello William,
    I like your sport skills very much and congratulation for almost finishing with your Master :)

  4. Hey William.
    I'm a sports a fan too! Watch out.

  5. Hello,
    The PE teacher in my building is always asking me for different tech ideas that he can use in his class. Maybe you will have some new suggestions I can share :)

  6. Hi William,
    Your choice to enter the Wayne State IT Instructional Design program was a wise one. The field of Instructional Design continues to grow every year and I agree that the degree will help you stay ahead of the curve and lead your students and fellow teachers to higher success rate in the classroom.

  7. Welcome back. Seems we have more than one LS person here. Not being an east-sider (born and raised downriver and now reside in Oakland County), I'm often amazed at how all those little districts have not consolidated (Lake Shore, Lakeview, etc.)
